The complete range of three-phase capacitors in robust steel cases in order to guarantee a better internal heat dissipation.
All capacitors inside the module are equipped with discharge resistor and overpressure safety device that, in the event of the element failing, disconnects it fromthe power circuit, ensuring the maximum safety in every application.

Triphase modular capacitors
Caratteristiche tecniche Technical details | |
Tolleranza Tolerance | -5 % / +10 % |
Tensione nominale Rated Voltage (Un) | 230 – 400 – 415 – 440 – 480 – 525 V |
Frequenza Rated Frequency | 50 Hz (60 Hz a richiesta On demand) |
Temperatura d'esercizio Operating temperature | Classe D -25°C / +55°C - Classe C -25°C / +50°C |
Perdite dielettriche Dielectric losses | ≤0,2W/kVar |
Perdite totali al terminale Total losses at the terminals | ≤0,5W/kVar |
Corrente massima Max current | 1,5 In |
Tensione di isolamento Insulation voltage | 3/15kV Ue = 690 Vac |
Massimo valore di cresta del transitorio di corrente Maximum peak value of the current transient | ≤200 In |
Prova di tensione tra i terminali Voltage test between the terminals | 2,15 Un for 2” |
Prova di Tensione tra i terminali e la custodia Voltage test between the terminals and case | 3,6 KV for 10” |
Resistenza di scarica interna Internal discharge resistor | Riduzione a 75 V in 3 minuti Reduction to 75 V within 3 minutes |
Terninali Terminals | Viti M8 M8 Screws |
Servizio Service | Continuo Continuous |
Installazione Installation | Interno Internal |
Raffreddamento Cooling | Aria naturale Natural air |
Umidità massima Max permissibile humidity | 80% |
Altitudine Altitude | ≤2000 ( m a.s.l.) |
Grado di protezione Degree of protection | IP 40 (con coperchio di protezione/ With protection cover) |
Aspettativa di vita Expected life | >130.000 h (classe D) - >150.000 h (classe C) |
Fissaggio Fixing | Viti M6 M6 screw |
Norme di riferimento Reference Standards | CEI EN 60831-1/2, IEC 60831- 1/2 |
Numero di inserzioni Number of switching operations | Max 5000/anno secondo IEC 60831-1/2 5000 per year according to IEC 60831-1/2 |
Improper use of the capacitor such as, for example, applications that involve exceeding the capacities and/or characteristics reported on a given capacitor, can cause an irreversible breakdown and/or breakage that can occur with the explosion of capacitor or with a deterioration such as to manifest loss of capacity, increase of power factor and permanent circuit interruption. Meco Capacitors declines any responsibility for damage to the capacitors, to persons or things deriving from improper or incorrect use of their products.