

Single-phase capacitors in self-healing metalized polypropylene for discharge lamps with plastic case Type A

, CM2 – CMI2 – CM4 Series, Meco Capacitors

The so-called fluorescent lamps, or discharge lamps require a ballast, which keeps the current of the electric arc constant, according to the pre-set value. The ballast, being an inductive load, causes an increase of the reactive current with a strong reduction of the power factor, with values even lower than cosφ 0,5. To bring the power factor back within the cosφ 0,9 limits, as stated by the law, it is necessary to connect a suitable capacitor to the feeding circuit. Safety MECO capacitors shown in this catalogue have been tested according to IMQ-ENEC. Capacitors in metalized self-healing plastic film are widely used and therefore great attention must be paid to safety. Inefficient operations may have unforeseeable consequences and the reason for any faults may not be identified, especially when the capacitors are used to improve the power factor of fluorescent lamps. For this reason the EN 61048 standards (the first standards in the field of capacitors, integrated at an European level) require that capacitors produced for this purpose undergo a special destruction test with the aim of checking that they are sufficiently resistant to destructive faults.

Caratteristiche tecniche
Technical details
Tolleranza capacità
Capacitance tolerance
±10% CM2, CMI2
±5% CM4
Tensione nominale
Rated voltage
250 Vac CM2, CMI2
450 Vac CM4
Frequenza nominale
Rated frequency
50/60 Hz
Angolo di perdita
Loss angle
tan∂ ≤20 • 10-4 (Vn - 50 Hz)
Temperatura di lavoro
Operating temperature
-25°C +85°C
Categoria climatica
Climatic category
Tensione di prova

Test voltage
CM2, CMI2: tra le armature: 500 Vac x 2”
CM4: tra le armature: 900 Vac x 2”
verso Massa: 2000 Vac x 2”
CM2, CMI2: between terminals: 500 Vac x 2”
CM4: between terminals: 900 Vac x 2”
between terminals and case: 2000 Vac x 2”
Resistenza isolamento
Insulation resistance
104 MΩ • μF
Norma di riferimento
Reference standard
EN61048 - EN61049 - AMDT1 - AMDT2
Grado di protezione
Protection degree
Resistenza di scarica
Discharge resistor
Sistemi di sicurezza
Safety devices
CMI2: fusibile termico
CMI2: thermal fuse


Improper use of the capacitor such as, for example, applications that involve exceeding the capacities and/or characteristics reported on a given capacitor, can cause an irreversible breakdown and/or breakage that can occur with the explosion of capacitor or with a deterioration such as to manifest loss of capacity, increase of power factor and permanent circuit interruption. Meco Capacitors declines any responsibility for damage to the capacitors, to persons or things deriving from improper or incorrect use of their products.
RoHS Directive
MECO Capacitors products are in line with the European directive 2002/95/EC already known as RoHS directive.